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Micro-thin wire
Micro-thin,self-bonding enamelled wire

Micro-thin,self-bonding enamelled wire

Product Type: LOCK、LOCK CCAW、LOKC (S)HTWΦ0.015-0.080mm

Product packaging:PL-1;PL-1,5

Introduction:Solvent type
Hot-air type

  • 产品类别: 微细漆包线
    Micro-thin Enamelled wire 
    材料名称The name of the material
      Type  绝缘层耐温指数 Insulation film  Temperature( 粘接层耐温度 Bonding film Temperature(℃) 粘结方法
    Coiling process
    微细酒精自粘铜线(Micro-thin Self-bonding copper wire,Solvent type) G-2LOCK  155 150 醇溶Solvent 
    微细热风自粘铜线(Micro-thin Self-bonding copper wire,Hot-air type) G-2LOCK Y5 155 150 热风Hot-air
    微细酒精自粘高张力线(Micro-thin Self-bonding high hension wire,Solvent type) G-2LOCK HTW 155 150 醇溶Solvent 
    微细热风自粘高张力线 (Micro-thin Self-bonding high hension wire,Hot-air type) G-2LOCK Y5 HTW 155 150 热风Hot-air
    微细酒精自粘超高张力线(Micro-thin Self-bonding Super high hension wire,Solvent type) G-2LOCK SHTW  155 150 醇溶Solvent 
    微细酒精自粘特高张力线(Micro-thin Self-bonding Super high hension wire,Solvent type G-2LOCK  UHTW 155 150 醇溶Solvent 
    微细热风自粘超高张力线(Micro-thin Self-bonding Super high hension wire,Hot-air type) G-2LOCK Y5 SHTW 155 150 热风Hot-air
    微细热风自粘特高张力线(Micro-thin Class 155 Self-bonding Super high hension wire,Hot-air type) G-2LOCK Y5 UHTW 155 150 热风Hot-air
    微细酒精自粘铜包铝线(Micro-thin Self-bonding copper-clad aluminium wire,Solvent type) G-2LOCK CCAW  155 150 醇溶Solvent 
    微细酒精自粘高张力铜包铝线(Micro-thin Self-bonding high hension copper-clad aluminium wire,Solvent type) G-2LOCK HCCAW  155 150 醇溶Solvent 
    微细热风自粘铜包铝线(Micro-thin Self-bonding copper-clad aluminium wire,Hot-air type) G-2LOCK Y5 CCAW  155 150 热风Hot-air
    微细热风自粘高张力铜包铝线(Micro-thin Self-bonding high hension copper-clad aluminium wire,Hot-air type) G-2LOCK Y5 HCCAW  155 150 热风Hot-air
    微细热硬化型酒精自粘铜线(Micro-thin Self-bonding copper wire,Solvent type) G-2UESVW 180 180 醇溶Solvent 
    微细热硬化型酒精自粘高张力线(Micro-thin Self-bonding high hension wire,Solvent type) G-2UESV HTW  180 180 醇溶Solvent 
    微细热硬化型酒精自粘超高张力线(Micro-thin Self-bonding Super high hension wire,Solvent type) G-2UESV SHTW 180 180 醇溶Solvent 
    微细热硬化型酒精自粘特高张力线(Micro-thin Self-bonding Super high hension wire,Solvent type) G-2UESV UHTW 180 180 醇溶Solvent 
    微细热硬化型酒精自粘高张力铜包铝线(Micro-thin Self-bonding high hension copper-clad aluminium wire,Solvent type) G-2UESV HCCAW 180 180 醇溶Solvent 


  • 备注Remarks:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
    1、2LOCK :   代表酒精线。Solvent type 
    2、2LOCK Y5 :代表热风线。Hot-air type
    3、HTW:      代表高张力线(抗拉强度310-340MPa)。High hensionwire(Tensile strength:310-340MPa)。 
    4、SHTW :    代表超高张力线(抗拉强度350-390MPa)。 Super high hension wire(Tensile strength:350-390MPa)。
    5、UHTW:      代表特高张力线(抗拉强度400-450MPa)。  Super high hension wire(Tensile strength:400-450MPa)。
    6、CCAW:     代表铜包铝线 . Copper-clad aluminium wire     
    7、HCCAW:     代表高张力铜包铝线(抗拉强度210-270MPa)。High hension copper-clad aluminium wire (Tensile strength:210-270MPa)。    
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